Hyperopia Treatment
Hyperopia, or farsightedness, means that without glasses or contact lenses your sight is relatively better beyond arm’s length. In other words, it is easier to obtain clear focus when objects are farther than when they are closer. This appears to be a normal part of the aging process, so there comes a time when most individuals need extra prescription power in their glasses in order to read clearly and comfortably.
However, there are children who function as if they are 40-something or beyond. They exhibit focusing problems at near, and require additional help to be able to do near tasks such as computer or reading activities. For these children, even a small amount of lens power can often be of significant help.
Hyperopia has been strongly associated with perceptual problems
One of the most important reasons to consider providing a child with a lens prescription for low amounts of hyperopia is that this condition has been strongly associated with perceptual problems. Individuals with learning difficulties or disabilities may benefit from the use of lenses and prisms for both the prevention and remediation of underlying visual problems. Other visual problems might best be remediated by optometric vision therapy. This includes the application of lenses and prisms in conjunction with procedures to provide the individual with strategies which will aid in the development of adequate visual performance.