Convergence Insufficiency
Binocular Disorder
It sounds like we’re referring to a pair of binoculars that aren’t working right, but the term actually refers to problems in using both eyes together as a team. When the two eyes are cosmetically misaligned to the point where you can see one eye aimed in a different direction from the other eye, the condition is termed strabismus.
Ophthalmologists (eye surgeons) tend to ignore binocular disorders unless the patient is either willing to be operated on or complains of double vision. Optometrists specializing in visual function respect the patient’s energy cost in maintaining binocular vision and treat the patient accordingly to minimize eye strain and fatigue while maximizing performance.
Looking Inward:The Vision Therapy treatment of Convergence Insufficiency
Learn more about convergence insufficiency on the Convergence Insufficiency (CI) Website!
Poor Tracking
Vision Problems – Eye Movement Disorders
There are three basic types of eye movements: fixations, saccades, and pursuits. Fixation is the act of maintaining visual attention on one point in space, Saccades are voluntary eye movements used to scan the environment, the type of eye movement used when reading, and Pursuits are eye movements used to track a moving target, the type of eye movement used when following traffic.
Eye movement disorders include basic deficiencies in fixations, saccades, or pursuits.
Fixation tremors can occur in a variety of conditions, including Parkinsonism. Fixation may be difficult for a child with ADHD. Nystagmus is a condition in which the eyes oscillate back and forth. In saccade accuracy, usually drifts, overshooting or undershooting can occur in isolation in the absence of other vision problems. This is one reason why it is crucial that every patient with reading difficulty have a thorough assessment of saccade function. Traditional eye examinations do little if anything to evaluate saccades, resulting in a false sense of security that everything is fine. Deficiencies in pursuits are more likely to occur in broad neurological or motor control problems such as cerebral palsy.